Dear Families

welcomeGreetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Malo e lelei,  Namaste, Ni Hau, Bula, Kumusta ka

A warm welcome to Term 2 especially to families who are joining our school community for the first time. We hope that you feel a sense of belonging and unity as you become part of the fabric of life at Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School. As we welcome our children and their families, we share again the words from Bishop Pat as he blessed our school community earlier in the year … “May our school be a place of great discovery, adventure and creativity. May it be a place where Christ is at the centre of the Holy Trinity family – a place where we love to learn and live to serve.”

Easter Reflection

easter 2Let us pray that we come to know the risen Christ more deeply as we share our lives with one another.

Resurrected Christ, journey with us.

Let us pray that we grow in understanding of God’s invitations in our lives.

Resurrected Christ, journey with us.

Let us pray that we remember to share our plenty with others.

Resurrected Christ, journey with us.

Source: ‘Act, Love, Pray in the Josephite Spirit’

Official School Opening

celebrateWe look forward to a busy term ahead, most notably our preparations and organisation for our Official School Opening to be held Friday 9th June at 10:30am. This is a day to celebrate and thank all of those who have contributed to the establishment of our school. We acknowledge and give thanks for their expertise and generosity of service. The morning celebrations will consist of a Powhiri, Liturgy of Thanksgiving and Tree Planting Ceremony, speeches and presentations plus performance items by our students with a luncheon and socialisation to follow. Bishop Pat will again officiate on this very important day for our school community. Please keep this date free as we will be grateful for many helping hands to ensure that the occasion is a success for all. Further detailed information will be distributed in the coming weeks. Thank you to the wonderful group of parents who are meeting with us regularly, as the committee to support us with the many organisational tasks!

Updates from our DRS

May – Month of Mary

mary-mother-of-godWe welcome back our students and staff this first week back to school.  Today we celebrated together May being the month of our Blessed Mother Mary.  Mary is the Virgin Mother of our Saviour Jesus Christ.  Chosen by God, Mary displays wonderful virtues that we can all follow and live by.  Mary is full of grace as she was the first messenger of the Gospel, the first person to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to others.  She accomplished this by carrying the Lord within her.  Mary’s example reminds us that mission has little to do with delivering the message in words.  It has much more to do with making a journey towards others with Jesus in our hearts.

This would be a great time for you to pray the Rosary as part of your home prayers.

How to say the Rosary?

Sign of the Cross

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Father

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us.  Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.


Hail Mary (10 times)

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.  Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.


Glory Be

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.


Jesus Strand

This term, we will be teaching the Jesus Strand in our Learning Communities as well as having our Marian prayers and activities woven through this month.  You’ll be able to refer to the Family Whanau book to see the overview of what we will be covering in class at each year level.  It will also give you some great activities that you can do at home to support your child’s learning at school as well as some prayer suggestions for home.

Whole School Mass

On Friday 19 May, we’ll be having our whole school Mass celebrated at St Mary’s Catholic Church in Papakura at 9:30am.  Our celebrant for the Mass is Fr Peter Murphy.  It is a wonderful celebration where we look at our relationship with others and remind ourselves of ways we can show love and mercy.  “Love One Another” will be our special focus for Mass and it would be extra special if you were able to come along and join us.  Learning Community Awa will be leading our Mass and our students will be participating.


We extend a special welcome to Ms Margaret KerBarnaby, who joins our teaching staff this term. Margaret is a very experienced teacher and brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her role. Margaret will be working in Learning Community Moana as release teacher for Ana Silva, who will continue with her designated DRS Day on Thursdays.

School Uniform

With the cooler weather, it is now time for the students to be wearing their winter uniform consisting of navy school socks, black school shoes, a long sleeved shirt (short sleeved may still be worn if preferred) plus the school jersey with the school jacket being optional and only to be worn outside. Our School uniform is only available for purchase from NZ Uniforms on 28E Lambie Drive, Manukau.  Please check our school website for detailed uniform information.

Thank you for supporting us in ensuring the children look their absolute best in their school uniform – this certainly highlights our school value of respect/ manaakitanga and instils a sense of pride, identity and belonging in our children.

School Library

Our library is coming together and is looking great! Carolyn Harvey and Maria Speechlay have been busy learning all about the new library management system. At the moment, we are half-way through entering our new books into the library system. Our big highlight was being able to successfully print our own barcodes and spine labels. It is surprising to find out how much time it takes to process each book, then stick barcodes and spine labels onto each one. However, we are trying to work as fast as we can so that our students, staff and families can come in and enjoy the selection of books that are available.


LINC-ED Parent Portal

LINC-ED is the Student Management System we are using at Holy Trinity School and has a parent portal that allows you to receive online notices, community alerts and blogs that provide information about the Learning Communities and school as a whole. We would like to begin using the Community Alerts facility to communicate on a more timely basis with our families, so please do ensure you have connected via your own password. Pop in to the school office or email us if your require the steps for this process to be resent to you. Thanks!

School Hours

School commences at 8:50am with learning community prayers. It is important for the children to be at school before this time to help settle them into the routine of the day. It also provides the opportunity for them to organise themselves for their learning day, to spend time socialising with their peers and to prepare for prayer time. We enjoy having your presence with us at prayer time and thank you for sharing in this special part of our daily spiritual life. School concludes at 2:50pm with end of the day prayer which you are most welcome to attend as well.


If children are late to school or need to leave/return during the day for an appointment, please come through to the Reception Area to sign in/out using the Vistab electronic system before entering the Learning Communities. The screen is easy to use and is set up on the front desk. This is a Health and Safety measure that allows us to know where children are at all times.

Coming Events

Official Opening Committee Meeting
Monday 8th May 6:30pm in the staffroom

Director of Religious Studies Conference
Thursday 11th and Friday 12th May

School Mass
Friday 19th May 9:30am @ St Mary’s Parish, Papakura


With God’s blessings
Peta Lindstrom

Community Notices

Catholic Diocese of Auckland – Marriage and Family Life – Associate Co-ordinator/Resource person: We are seeking a methodical, cheerful, dedicated, and efficient person with a passion for marriage and family to share the work of marriage preparation. The role involves liaison with Marriage Educator couples and engaged couples, preparation of course material, administration and hosting at courses.

Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills, along with proficient computer aptitude and knowledge of social media, Facebook are required. Applicant needs to be hospitable and welcoming, and ideally have super liaison and organisational skills.

This is a part time role of 24 hours per week, with some evening and Saturday work.

To view the position description, person specification and to download an application form, please visit our under staff vacancies.

Please send cover letter, CV and application form to Leanne Killgour, HR Manager

Applications close on 23 May 2017.


NPH Latin American Market: Our popular NPH Latin American market is back! Come and enjoy a range of delicious food, great music, arts and crafts from Latin America. Sunday 21st of May, 2-6pm, Mt Eden War Memorial Hall, Balmoral. Koha/ Donation entry to NPH (, a Catholic organisation helping at-risk, abandoned and orphaned children in Latin America.

Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Fatima Apparitions, St Mary’s Parish Papakura, Saturday 13th May 2017 beginning with procession of Our Lady of Fatima pilgrim statue at 7.45am, finishing with Benediction at 4.30pm, Parish vigil Mass at 5.00pm.  The day will include Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Confession, Rosary, Divine Mercy, Prayers of Consecration. DVDs of the Fatima Story showing throughout the day in Fr Tom Ryder Centre.  Tea & coffee available, bring own lunch.  Fr Tom Sherry sm  to speak about the Fatima message and how it applies in our lives today in the year 2017.  Enquiries phone Margaret Joyce 299.7889 or Celerina Robertson 298.4080