Greetings, Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa, Mālō e lelei,  Namaste, Ni Hao, Bula, Hola, Kumusta

Dear Families

WOW! What a fantastic time we all had at the Twilight Market on Friday afternoon! This was truly a Holy Trinity whānau “kotahitanga/unity” event with everyone from students to staff to PTFA to our families working and having fun together to raise funds for  the Missions and for our school’s special project of a sacred space garden.   THANK YOU to … our hardworking PTFA members especially to Laura Wilson, Michelle Porter and Fiona Rudsits for their organisational work behind the scenes. THANK YOU to … our families who held stalls, organised food stalls, activity stalls, manned stalls and helped to support our students. THANK YOU to … our senior students and their kaitiaki (teachers and support staff) who ran activity stalls with fun things to do, made home-baking to sell and worked hard all day to make it a fun event for everyone. THANK YOU to … our staff who all took on a role, cooking, baking, making items, supervising and helping support the children and families so all ran smoothly on the day. THANK YOU to our Board of Trustees members who were helping out in various roles on the day too! This was a wonderful community event and we are so incredibly proud of everyone for what we have been able to achieve together – YOU ARE GREAT!

TOGETHER, we have raised $6, 000 with further monies to come in from our Tongan Food Stall, held off site. This is a fantastic result and we are absolutely thrilled and pleased for our community – THANK YOU!

Staff News

Mrs  Quarterman’s Retirement

It is with sadness but also delight for Mrs Jennifer Quarterman, our Office Administrator, that we announce Jennifer’s retirement from this position at the end of the school year. Jennifer has been with our school since September 2016 and is one of our founding staff members, having worked tirelessly to set up our school administration and office needs as a new school. We are extremely grateful for all that Jennifer has given to our school over these past four and a half years – through her finance knowledge and expertise, her ability to create and develop systems and processes for the day to day operation of the office, her welcome and support of our children and their families and her wonderful contribution to the life of the school. Jennifer’s service to education through office administration, spans 25 years – this is a fantastic achievement! Although we are sad to see Jennifer leave our school family, we are delighted that she now has an opportunity to enjoy a slower pace of life and to do all those things that bring her pleasure and enjoyment! THANK YOU Jennifer – your contribution to the establishment of Holy Trinity will always be treasured –  rest assured knowing that you retire, leaving the school in good hands and in good heart! Every Blessing for this next stage of your life’s journey!

A Liturgy and celebration for Jennifer will be held this coming Thursday 19th November 2pm in Taamaua/school  hall. All our school community are invited to attend.

Welcome to a New Staff Member

We also warmly welcome , Mrs Ranjini Devi to our teaching team for Term 4. Due to an increase in our staffing entitlement, we have Ranjini working with us in Learning Community Ngahere. It is great to have Ranjini as part of the team and we know that her Learning Community team and students are already enjoying and benefitting from the knowledge and experience that she brings to her teaching. Great to have you on board Ranjini!

DRS Report

Sacraments of Confirmation & First Holy Communion

On Sunday 22 November, St Mary’s Parish Church in Papakura, will be holding a special Mass in which our very own Bishop Michael Gielen will be present. We have some of our senior students receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation as well as the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. This is a wonderful celebration and we congratulate the following students from Learning Communities Maunga and Moana.
Zachary Cillo, Jacob Cillo, Martin Thomas, Becca Thorpe, Isaac Rudsits, Brayden Greaves and Kyle Tamani.

We pray for them as they prepare themselves to be nourished in soul from the Body and Blood of Christ. We also congratulate Josipa Fabijancic who received her Confirmation Sacrament and First Holy Communion last Sunday at St Luke’s Catholic Church in Flat Bush.

“I’m very excited to get my first Eucharist. I think other people should also go to join the programme because it’s an awesome experience.” Becca T

“Being able to do my first Holy Communion and Confirmation is a really nice experience for me because not only is it my first time but I’m very excited and a little bit nervous. This is all part of my faith journey.” Zachary C

“I feel happy because my first Holy Communion is coming up soon. I feel good and ready to receive Eucharist for the first time and now I can join the Communion line for Mass.”  Martin T

“I feel happy to receive the Eucharist because I get to feel the Body and Blood of Jesus enter my soul and refresh and cleanse me.”  Jacob. C

“Receiving Holy Communion and Confirmation together at the same time makes me feel excited. I think other people should do this too.”  Isaac R

2020 Attendance Dues

Statements have been sent out to all families. Terms 1, 2 and 3 payments ($112.00 per Term) should be all paid now.

Term 4 payment is due by the 4 December 2020

Please note that there are 3 options for payment: 

  1. Full amount paid by Internet Banking to ASB school Account – details are on the statement.
  2. Automatic payment to be set up via internet banking to ASB school account.
  3. Payment can be made at the school office  – cash or EFTPOS

Families that have an AP please note that 2020 payments must be completed by 4 December 2020. 

A new statement has been sent at the beginning of November so families with APs can see what is still owing for 2020.

Tax receipts for 2019 and 2020 are available at the school office on request.

 Financial assistance is available to assist families who may need financial support with the payment of 2020 Attendance Dues for students attending Catholic schools in Auckland Diocese.

Families facing financial difficulties can contact their school office, their Parish Priest or the Revenue Manager on 09-360-3069 at the Catholic Diocese of Auckland for further information. 

 Application forms for this assistance are available from school and parish offices, or can be down-loaded from the Catholic Diocese of Auckland Website:

 Please see Jennifer Quarterman (Office Administrator) or Peta Lindstrom (Principal) in the strictest confidence if you have any concerns or questions regarding the payment of Attendance Dues.  We will be able to support you with the process for Financial Assistance if required.

Community Meetings

Fono and Hui

It was lovely to catch up with the families of our Māori and Pacific students for our first ever combined Fono and Hui. Wonderful to see everyone enjoying each other’s company and friendship over a shared meal.

Krissy Bishop gave us a presentation about ensuring that te reo me nga tikanga o te ao Māori form an integral part of learning and teaching practices.This included providing the story behind the pepeha of Papakura, and this has given us a greater understanding of the mana whenua and the history of the area.

The discussions and questions asked during the Health Curriculum programmes and our school’s Learners’ Profile presentations were insightful and helped to grow our understanding so we can better support our tamariki. 

Thank you to Apaula Fruean-Lautua, Krissy Bishop and Ana Soo Choon, who are part of our community liaison team for their support and organisation in the running of the night.

Filipino Families Gathering

It was also great to meet with our Filipino Families in early November, who shared some Filipino food delicacies and also spent time unpacking the Holy Trinity Learners’ Profile. There was some great discussion and input about what it meant to be “an active leaner”, “to be able to work with others”, “to be a role model” and  “to be respectful”. We will use this great feedback to further refine and work with our Learners’ Profile.

It was also a time of sharing about our Health Curriculum teaching and learning programme. It was good to learn about the different cultural practices that contribute to healthy living and being.

Kids Artworks Calendars

Personalised Artwork Fundraiser

Your child has made some beautiful artwork that is being made into affordable calendars, cards, diaries, mouse mats and sketch pads. These make unique Christmas gifts for family and friends and are perfect for posting overseas. Look out for personalised online order forms coming home with your child next week.  All proceeds will be put towards our School’s ‘Sacred Space Garden’.

Calendars – $14
Cards – $12 (pack of 8)
Diaries – $18
Mouse Mats – $15
Sketch Pads – $15


Many thanks,

Learning Community News

Learning Community Ngahere Pukapuka

In Learning Community Ngahere, we have been learning about Advent – what it means, the colour of this season and the how Mary and Joseph prepared for this glorious occasion.

The children compared and contrasted the way we prepare for a baby’s birth to the way Mary and Joseph prepared for Jesus’ birth. They have been practising the Hail Mary and Mary’s song of praise- The Magnificat.

Learning Community Whenua

Whenua learners know that praying is a way of having a conversation with God.  We have been looking at different ways to pray.  Imaginative prayers, a prayer in which they engage with God using all their senses and imagination, is one way that the learners have found engaging and creative.  We took a walk in our playground, stopping to reflect on the wonders of nature and how blessed we are to be surrounded by such beauty … even in the smallest things.  Back in the Learning Community, we drew a picture and wrote a thanksgiving prayer.  

Whenua learners would also like to thank Mrs Vicki Alexander for choosing our wonderful school to complete her teaching practicum.  We thank her too for sharing her expertise, knowledge and care with all our learners.  We wish Mrs Alexander all the best as she continues on her learning journey; just as she helped our learners on their learning journey.  Best wishes for the future, Mrs Alexander!

Learning Community Moana

NYLD – National Youth Leaders Day Thursday 12 November – Over 2000 students attended a leadership event that was held at the Vodafone Events Centre, an event attended by our Whānau Leaders and some exceptional students who have demonstrated fantastic leadership qualities. The theme for the year was kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanuibe strong, be brave, be steadfast.

The objectives of NYLD are Inspiration, Connection, Student empowerment, Promoting positivity, Motivation and Education.

Safe to say that our students came away from the event, inspired and enthused for their journey ahead. With fantastic speakers in the form of William Pike, 2015 young New Zealander of the Year finalist; Riley Hathaway, the young explorer who became a TV sensation with her passion for marine life and conservation; Okirano Tilaio, the student who organised a large vigil for those affected and devastated by the Mosque tragedy in Christchurch; Suzy Cato – a New Zealand icon (according to Mr Malele) who sadly our students did not recognise; and of course the show stopper and very inspiring … Stan Walker.

A great day of sharing, listening and korero, we look forward to hearing of the endeavours of these whānau leaders as they make their mark in the world.

Twilight Market Stalls

For two weeks, our students have worked hard at planning, forming and finalising ideas and plans for their stalls for the Twilight Market. It was fantastic to see the energy invested into the planning, and the interesting groups that were formed. It was great to see our Gospel value of kotahitanga/unity in action, seeing students come together for a common purpose, ngāwari/resilience to work through some of our stumbling blocks, manaakitia/respect to hear each others ideas, and ngākau pono/integrity to create these stalls for the enjoyment of others and not for own. All round a great display of hiranga/excellence from all our students. Sincere thanks to our parents and caregivers who supported our tamariki with their invaluable time and donations. Many special thanks to Mrs Hey for all her wonderful time and generous koha.

Performance Show

During the week, the students were treated to a performance show. What an entertaining performance by two talented actors of Perform! Education, a multi award-winning producer of educational theatre.  This took place in celebration of Book Week which was postponed earlier this year.  The theme of the performance was “And the winner is…”.  I think all the learners of Holy Trinity can agree that every book was a winner.  Visit your local library over the holidays to find these amazing kiwi books. Happy reading everyone!!!

Sports News

Counties Athletics Competition – Tuesday 17th November

Two weeks ago, 5 of our Year 7 and Year 8 students participated in our annual North Counties event held at Massey Park. The results were recently compiled and sent back to the participating schools. Alongside that list was another list, this listing the successful athletes that qualified for the Counties Competition to be held at Massey Park.

It is with great pride that we announce that Linkin Karena, Julian Viloria, P’torio Taimalie and Hao Bui will be representing our school at this event.

These students will compete against the best of the best, and could potentially qualify for the inter zone competition. Linkin will compete in both the shotput and discuss for his age group; Julian will run both the 100m and 200m races; P’torio will compete in shotput and Hao will try to out jump the competition in long jump. We wish our young men all the best for the Tuesday competition. Ke mau te wehi!

Year 5 and 6 North Counties Competition – Tuesday 10th November

Mr Brown and 9 of Year 5 and 6 students attended the event held over in Massy Park. Emereziana Lautua, Ignatious Noue, Sebastiano Simonetti, Toia Taimalie, Jairus Penaia, Konrad Karena, David Aiesi, Eli Rudsits and Zac Baptista represented our kura at the local event.

Mr Brown can report that it was a day enjoyed by those who competed with some noticeable successes, especially with Emereziana in her age category. We look forward to sharing the final results with you all as soon as they are compiled and sent to the participating schools.

Sincere thanks to Mr Brown for taking our students to the event and always providing opportunities for our young people to nurture and develop their athletic abilities.

School Athletics/Games Day


This Friday is our annual HTCPS Athletics / Games Day to be held here at the school grounds. We’re inviting all our whānau to come along and support your tamariki as we engage in some traditional māori and pacific games, throw objects as far as we possibly can, and hit and control different sized and weighted spherical objects with either a bat, scoop or stick. But more importantly, to see how fast your child can run along a 100m track.

All our tamariki are to wear their whānau house colours – Mackillop – RED, Pompallier – Purple, Aubert – Green and Patrick Dunn – Gold (Yellow). We’re also challenging our whānau coming along, to support their child’s whānau group by wearing those same colours. Also be prepared to dust off those trainers, because there might be a potential parent, staff relay race against our students!!! 

We encourage our tamariki to bring good shoes for the day, a pōtae (hat) and sunscreen for what should be spectacular weather; a nice healthy morning tea and lunch to keep the body going and a bottle of water that they can easily refill to keep hydrated for the day. If you’re happy to help, we’d be more than happy to have you on the team!

Sincere thanks in advance to Mr Brown for his organisation of the day. It will be another fantastic outdoor event to end what has been an unprecedented year, but more importantly, fun for all. See you all Friday 20th November!

End of Year Dates

The end of the year is fast approaching! Please note these important schools dates so that you don’t miss out on any of the activities and events leading up to the end of term. We will advise immediately if there are any changes.

Friday 27th November             Orientation Morning for 2021 New Families and Students 9am @ school

Wednesday 2nd December      Mahi Tahi “Working Together” Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences 3pm-6pm

Friday 4th December               Praise-giving Awards 1:00pm @ school

Tuesday 8th December            End of Year Mass/Leavers acknowledgement 9:15am @ school

Wednesday 9th December       Family Picnic and Nativity Liturgy celebrations 5pm @ school

Thursday 10th December         Morning Tea for Family, Community and Agency Helpers 10:15am @ school

Monday 14th December           Liturgy and Assembly for Other Leavers and Service Awards 9am @ school

Wednesday 16th December     School concludes for the year 1:00pm

Upcoming School Events

School Liturgy and Assembly – led by Learning Community Maunga
Monday 16th November 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall

Retirement Liturgy and Afternoon Tea for Mrs Quarterman
Thursday 19th November 2pm in Taamaua/school hall

HTCPS School Athletics Day
Friday 20th November @ school

First Communion and Confirmation
Sunday 22nd November 2pm @ St Mary’s Parish, Papakura

School Liturgy and Assembly – led by Learning Community Whenua
Monday 23rd November 8:50am in Taamaua/school hall

Papakura Community Dinner Service
Tuesday 24th November 5:30pm

Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting
Wednesday 25th November 6pm in the school staffroom

Orientation Morning for 2021 New Families
Friday 27th November 9-11;30am in Taamaua/school hall

Term 4 concludes
Wednesday 16th December 1:00pm

Upcoming Community Events